06 January 2020 --------------- The station was ceased since 01/01/2020. (Kehe - 06/01/2020) 20 August, 2000 --------------- Data type: "p" Data being received in ASFC from ANTDIV. The instrument is an induction magnetometer for recording geomagnetic pulsations and is owned by the University of Newcastle and operated by ANTDIV. Presently there is no calibration information available for converting the data to variations in nanoTesla. This information has been requested from the University of Newcastle Space Plasma Waves Research Group and as yet there has been no reply. (RAM - 16/10/00) 29 Decmber, 2001 ----------------- The data being received had the sample period changed to 5 Hz at 0130UT at the station, however, this change was not duplicated in the "stn.dat" file, ie., the sample period in the "stn.dat" file remained at 2Hz . This has meant that the "raw" data has the incorrect value for sample frequency in the header line, ie., 2Hz, while the data in the file is actually sampled at 5Hz. The "standard" data has the sample frequency in the data file header corresponding correctly to the number of data points in the file, although the sample point selected for each second by the processing is not on the zero second mark. The change to the sample period was not realised until 14th January, 2002 due to the holiday period and hence the discrepany between the sample period in the "raw " data file header and the number of sample points has not been rectified. The sample frequency is expected to be set back to 2Hz after the campaign is over towards the end of January. (RAM - 16/1/02) ---------------------- 3 April, 2006 (ANTDIV/RAM) Telecommunications wish to advise of the following outage, currently affecting data circuits to Casey, Davis, Macquarie Island and Mawson. ------------- Outage Notification #1 ----------------------------------------- Time and date: from 10:30AM Monday 03/04/2006 Services affected: All data links between Kingston and CAS, DAV, MAW and MQI. Comments: Fault within Telstra hardware affecting our data circuits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Telstra are currently investigating the fault, and we will advise on restoration of services as soon as possible. ------------------------------ 3 April, 2006 (ANTDIV/RAM) Telecommunications wish to provide update on the outage affecting data circuits to Casey, Davis, Macquarie Island and Mawson. Circuits to Casey, Davis and Mawson have been restored. Circuit to Macquarie Island is still unavailable. ------------- Outage Notification #2 ----------------------------------------- Time and date: from 10:30AM Monday 03/04/2006 Services affected: All data links between Kingston and CAS, DAV, MAW and MQI. Comments: Services to CAS, DAV and MAW restored. Services to MQI still unavailable. ------------------------ Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates on Fri May 10 07:28:49 UTC 2013 Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates on Mon May 13 01:40:33 UTC 2013 Updated z-offsets on Mon May 13 01:41:43 UTC 2013 Entry added on Mon May 13 06:38:13 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:40:15 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:43:38 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Wed Jun 26 08:22:38 UTC 2013 Mofifications to software giving baseline shift from 00UT on 26/6/2013 _________________________________________ Entry added on Fri Jun 28 06:17:53 UTC 2013 Software updates created offset changes 00UT _________________________________________ Entry added on Tue Jul 26 01:27:46 UTC 2016 Updated IGRF and geomagnetic coordinates. _________________________________________